Bit Manipulation
The basics of bit manipulation in AVR C.
The basics of Universal Synchronous Transmitter and Receiver (UART) in AVR
The basics of Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) in AVR
Interfacing an SD Card - Part 1
How to initialize and read data from an SD card with an ATmega328P using SPI. Here we look at basic command structures and how to send a card to an idle state.
Interfacing an SD Card - Part 2
How to initialize and read data from an SD card with an ATmega328P using SPI. Here we look at CMD8 and CMD58 to determine the card version and the supported voltages.
Interfacing an SD Card - Part 3
How to initialize and read data from an SD card with an ATmega328P using SPI. Here we finish the initialization process with CMD55 and CMD41.
Interfacing an SD Card - Part 4
How to initialize and read data from an SD card with an ATmega328P using SPI. Here we see how to read and write single data blocks.